It has been over a month since my last submission. Sounds a bit like confession, but, hey, I went to Catholic school for 13 years and that guilt thing seemed to have seeped in a bit. Anyway, vacations were taken, friends were married, kickball championships were siezed, and time was managed poorly in between... oh, but the sweet beverage was flowing all the while, thanks to Yum! Beer for stocking Tank 7 at his wedding reception. Props to you, sir!
Speaking of good brew and festivities, I'd like to shed light on a beverage that quickly hopped into my top 10 list of brews during my brief blogging sabbatical. It celebrates the Roman scholar responsible for creating the botanical name for hops: "Lupus salictarius", meaning wolf among scrubs. Pliny the Elder is a double IPA, tasting of fresh pine, with an extremely clean and crisp finish. It's brewed by Russian River in Santa Rosa, CA, making it impossible to find in KC. Unless you know a guy out west who's willing to transport booze across multiple state lines (thanks again John K), I recommend a quick 8 hour trip to Argonaut Liqours in Denver. Your tastebuds will thank you for it.
Serving Type: 500 mL bottle
Glassware: Tulip
Color (hue and head): Deep, golden copper. Minimal head, dissipates quickly.
Clarity: Translucent cloudiness
Aroma: The northwest in the fall. Piney trees, pine cones, fallen pine needles in the snow...and hops.
Taste: Identical to the aroma. Wanted to immediately grab a flannel shirt, a map, and a backpack and head into the wild.
Grade: 97/100 (A+)
Musical pairing: Frightened Rabbit - The Lonliness and the Scream
Surroundings: Barbequing ribs with Yum! Beer and enjoying a Saturday of freedom (from the wives)
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