Friday, August 27, 2010
Can I Buy You A Drink?
Monday, August 16, 2010
R.I.P. One80 in KC

Friday, August 13, 2010
Flying Saucer Fall Beer Festival - Brewfest Done Right
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Yippy - a Hopsicle

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Grinders Beer Tasting - IPA + BBQ
- Freestate Copperhead + sausage, cheddar jalapeno smoked bologna, deviled eggs
- Avery IPA + field greens w/ homemade salami
- New Belgium Belgo IPA + cedar plank Salmon
- Shlafly American IPA + grilled pork loin
- Titan IPA + mini rum cake
Jimmy Carter - Our Best President

Because of BEER, it is time that the man should be lauded, even worshiped freely! As is often the case, the full effects and ramifications of a presidency cannot be felt until many years after - in Jimmy's case, it only took 30+ years for us to find something that he did well (I kid, I kid). And what a doozie it is:
Human rights are great, peace is what we all strive for, but beer, not cotton, is the fabric of our lives. We should all bow down to Emperor Carter, for without his divine intervention, we could all be sipping MGD 64 or Michelob Ultra at this exact moment.
For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow...
The Greatest Beers in the World! (according to Beer Advocate)
A comprehensive, updated list is now available from the know-it-alls at We doubt there is a larger, more diverse and yet scientifically calculated list, anywhere else on the Internets right now as it covers all different styles of beers and doesn't discriminate. Some quick highlights:
- Russian River is the Miami Heat, the Yankees, and Manchester United all rolled into one; some truly outstanding beers - The Pliny's checked in at #2 and #3 respectively and we agree
- Very strong showing from the Michigan breweries - Eight beers in the Top 100 between Bell's and Founders
- No Boulevard Beers, which we DO NOT agree with - No Rye-on-Rye or BBQ? Homie Please!
- You need to immediately find beers from Three Floyd's or Stone Brewing and then consume them
The moral of the story is that with a list as diverse as this, there will always be losers and beers you don't agree with. For the most part we agree with this list but at the same time it's hard to have a comprehensive, accurate list when the formula contains "number of reviews" as a variable. Maybe that explains why Oro de Calabaza doesn't make the list yet anything from Great Lakes Brewing does (in the immortal words of Dave Chapelle - "hate, hate, hate, hate").
In the end, if you can find these brews at your local beer store, they're worth the dollas required to secure them. Some you'll have to cross the Rockies for (Russian River), others you'll have to stand in line for on a specific day at the brewery (Three Floyd's Dark Lord), and others you can find in most corner store (Bell's Two-Hearted Ale).
Consume, rate them yourself, then let us know what you think.