Man law = no fruit in beer, but it doesn’t refer to vegetables in any way. New Holland noticed this loophole in legislation, taking a stab at a brew with flavors of a traditional mole sauce (dried chilies and Mexican chocolate). At first sip, the chili pepper flavor with a malty backbone is interesting and a welcomed deviation from the norm. From smell to mouth feel to aftertaste, chili pepper is the captivating thought. I found myself frantically searching the kitchen for a bag of Lil' Guy's tortilla chips. All that and a bag of chips? Unfortunately not. Halfway through the bomber of brew, the chili flavor wavered from interesting to borderline annoying. Where’s the cocoa? I couldn't locate the mole flavor in the beer at all...only chili peppers and minimal coffee. Like a Michael Scott diversity day seminar, the brew grade quickly headed south in snowball fashion. While I welcome the creativity, I’m left with 22 oz of missed opportunity. That’s what she said! Muahahaha! I'm not going to put the kibosh on vegetables in beer just yet. We’ll just say the jury is still out on the subject, needing more evidence to make a final ruling. I’m hoping for a stronger execution down the road. Meanwhile, I picked up some Lil' Guy's, salsa, and a fine 6 pack of IPA from my favorite brewery in Fort Collins. I’ll take my vegetables beside my beer for now.
Serving Type: Bottle (22 oz)
Glassware: Tulip
Color (hue and head): Pours caramel brown, with minimal to no head. Looks like a beer that should change your life.
Aroma: Chili peppers, smoky, spicy.
Taste: Chili peppers, minimal coffee, chili peppers, maybe a molecule of cocoa, and chili peppers…missed the mark on mole. Spicy finish with chili breath for the rest of the evening.
Grade: 77/100 (C+)
Surroundings: Porching it with some ale drinking amigos. Enjoying spring in KC.
Nicely put.
ReplyDeleteI agree, the vegetables in beer concept is something that is often tough for the human mind to grasp. I can give you an example of a good one, however...Rogue Chipotle Ale (review pending).
ReplyDeleteOn another note, Ouch! New Holland called - You aren't to set foot in Holland, MI anytime soon unless you want to be wooden-shoed to death.
was this one you had on my porch over in the west plaza?
ReplyDeleteshould I have said, "Porching it in west plaza?" You bet. Tt was an exploration of new brew with you, bud.