How does one screw a chance at an eternity of bliss? Mephistopheles was the second angel to fall, banished from heaven to the depths for rebelling against God. I’m not sure about you, but I have done some rebellious things myself…especially after a few brews. My thoughts: Angels, Mephistopheles and Lucifer, tied one on by enjoying some of their 16% home brew. With the brain to mouth filter lost, sarcastic remarks and prankish humor ensued. The next morning, they woke up in a mysterious, dark place with a wicked headache. My close friend, Shame, and I have awakened in similar places, and for similar reasons, but my wife always seems to forgive me…after a couple of days…and some chores.
Serving Type: Bottle (12 oz) (bottled 11/2008, batch 4)
Glassware: Tulip
Color (hue and head): Sell your soul to the devil black; So deep you almost see purple. Head dissipates immediately into the depths.
Aroma: Raisin, brown sugar, alcohol
Taste: Plum and chocolate, brown sugar. Sinfully strong, seductively sweet. Warm on the belly (alcohol) but relatively easy on the palate considering 15.92% ABV. Quickly dizzies the mind making it tough to fully enjoy a follow up brew.
Grade: 89/100 (B+)
Musical pairing: Modest Mouse - Polar Opposites, immediately followed by Modest Mouse - Shit Luck
Surroundings: Playing indoor fetch with the dog, watching HGTV.
Brown sugar? I might even like that...
ReplyDeleteA great man once wrote:
ReplyDelete"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before".
I'm intrigued. I imagine imbibing this brew would also make me feel sorrow for "the lost Lenore". Then again, I'm always up for things that will lead me down a dark path of despair, insanity, and alcoholism.