About Us

"It's so good!  When it hits your lips, it's so good!"  In one simple statement, Frank the Tank summed up all that was good and right about beer.  You, loyal reader, shall soon know what we know - that beer is magical and truly the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.  Our mission is to make craft beer appealing to more than just the normal beer snobs and those interested in homebrewing, and to let the masses know how awesomely diverse and delicious the beer world really is.  Some say that is beer is "more funner" than wine...we tend to agree and we are setting out to prove that very statement.

In all seriousness, we're just a couple of regular guys inhabiting the Boulevard Region of the Midwest who are super geeked about beer and all of the promises of grandeur that it brings (plus we're pretty sure it makes us more attractive and more successful when we drink it).  There are two of us responsible for this blog (Yum, Beer! and Liquidsunshine) and you'll see that although we agree on many things, we have different personalities and varying degrees of knowledge of the two areas we are most familiar with - KC and Chicago.  We also blindly support two different universities who happen to both be Block M's - Mizzou and Michigan, and one of us looks like a cross between a Yeti and Johnny from "Karate Kid" while the other is as freshly shorn as a baby's bottom.  Despite the differences, we have one major thing in common - a love for glorious, glorious, beer, which we hope you will see on display here.
We've been fortunate enough to spend thousands of dollars in the pursuit of the "perfect" beer and all the beer-related knowledge our puny brains can handle. With the help that other blogs have provided us in the past, we thought we could pay it forward and provide our experiences and opinions to those other beer youngsters as they head down the path toward beer enlightenment.

We'll cover the basics, provide you with beer news, brewery profiles, do our own taste testings, offer our current Top 10 lists, and attempt to make you completely unproductive at work while costing your company millions in lost productivity (we're coming for you fantasy sports, best watch your collective backs). We're also going to try something different - we're going to pair beers with music that we like, that we think fits the beer or the mood we feel when we drink that beer, or at the very least gives us a chance to rep the latest Miley Cyrus or Black Eyed Peas "hit". Think of us as Pitchfork's drunken, slightly weird uncle.

We're always up for suggestions and information-sharing, so please don't hesitate to shoot a carrier pigeon our way.
