Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome, welcome, welcome

So at 3:15 am, the day of 1/2 of our birthdays and the 30th anniversary of "The Miracle on Ice", this blog actually came to fruition.  We have to say we're shocked due to all of the things we've talked about doing but have never followed thru on.  Let's revisit, shall we?
  • Homebrewing - you'll see us start soon but we've been talking about this for a year now, FYI
  • Going to the gym more than 3 days a week
  • Signing up for a sanctioned, "fun run"
  • Cleaning the car
  • Starting our own dance crew (okay, that was made up, but we do own Nike Dunks, so we're half way there)
There is most likely no one reading this blog, even our moms and significant others, but it's still a good place for us to share some of our beer knowledge and hopefully introduce others to one of our true passions:  drinking and talking about beer...all the time...24-7...writing legislation thru our local congressman to make it into currency...attempting to bathe in it...and the list goes on.

You will see a lot of changes in the next couple of weeks as we add content in massive brain dumps, so please don't be alarmed.  As long as you read, you will become smarter and then maybe one day you can start your own blog, but not really...because it won't be as good as this one.


1 comment:

  1. i am glad to know this idea came to fruition at the ripe hour of "3:20am." keep up the good work.
